Brand Scaling on Automation & Marketing

Every marketing solution you need to scale your brand for increased conversions & revenue.

It is my goal and meaning in life to help as MANY people & businesses of any size learn how to best help the world by fully understanding and utilizing the power of branding & marketing. (Trust me, most people just don’t get it…)

What would you do to add a swiss army knife with game-changing information & resources to fulfill your brand needs?

ALL IT TAKES IS KNOWING (Knowing is half the battle…)

If you only knew how to get more sales…

If you only knew how to get more exposure…

If you only knew how to stop spending so much without results….

If you only knew how to growth hack your socials…

If you only knew you needed that ahead of time…

If you only knew how to make your customers and clients stick with you…

If you only knew why your “competitors” were getting better results than you…

If you only knew how to scale up your brand with less roadblocks and faster growth…

If you only knew…. (____________ fill in the blank)…

WELL LET ME HELP YOU! (Anywhere from around the globe.)

Let's Book a Zoom Call

The Biggest Issues I’ve Faced & Noticed With All My Clients is…

  1. The were not organized internally (Communication, Resources, Workflow)

  2. They were not thinking about long term growth or automation (they were focused on a trend)

  3. They didn’t have a veteran strategist on their team

  4. Unrealistic expectation = They had already made up their mind ahead of time in subject matters they knew nothing about

  5. They assume more followers = more revenue

  6. Customer Service was non-existent

  7. They made too many promises they couldn’t keep

  8. They had no deadlines or milestones

  9. They chose cheap instead of quality (tried to cut corners)

  10. They were under too much pressure to get income fast

There’s MUCH more but those are the main issues I constantly see with businesses I’ve worked with (startups to multi-million dollar enterprises).

If you want the best results, you have to be the most prepared to adjust to rapid changing environments AND keep adding value & solving pain points for clients.

It may seem obvious but so many businesses, entrepreneurs and productions are so focused on their vision they forget that it also has to attract the user.

And timing the release of the offer (if time sensitive) can “rush” the team to release pre-maturely.

Sometimes there are time sensitive projects which is why the team should have a veteran strategist with a proven formula to help them get the best results fastest. (Time is money).

The formula takes a blueprint, the blueprint takes manpower, manpower costs money, money needs to be generated to keep growing.

Most startups don’t have big capital so they have to get clever how they gain exposure & ROI with less $$, which is again, why they should have a veteran strategist on the team.

It’s the strategists job to create a master blueprint funnel for the business, try various marketing techniques and build framework for the longevity of the project.

If one area fails to sustain, then backups are always ready to take over the legwork so the entity can keep growing.

Here’s the Most Essential Elements for Brand Scaling

In my career as a marketer & strategist, I’ve learned to master each one of these elements.

Your brand doesn’t necessarily NEED all of these and often times we’ll just focus on the main elements that solve your pain points the most.

As your brand grows, we’ll add more elements to get better results but you have to be prepared for scalability.

Your Irresistible Offer

Do you have an offer so irresistible that your ideal client or customer “needs” to have this in their life? If it solves a real world problem you have a big advantage over any business or brand that doesn’t. We can help you create offers that match your ideal target audience and compels them to take action.


The best copy converts not only because it reaches the audience on a personal level but it’s not copy/pasted from other people’s copy. It stands out and so should your brand. The best methods of copywriting are based on psychology and reliability. We can help with that.

Customer Service

This is the priority in your business. Without the highest quality attention to detail you’ll have many issues later on and it becomes difficult to scale. So you’ll need a system in place to ensure your customers and clients are always happy enough to spread the word about you unconditionally.

Social Media

Social media is becoming the go-to place to find customers or clients, nurture them, show authority, sell and engage. Relevancy is most important when building your brand presence short and long term. If they aren’t hanging out in your world, they’re hanging out in someone else’s.

Webinars & Conversion Funnels

Webinars are literally the #1 top converting machines and also allow for evergreen scalable solutions in order to convert at a higher clip. If you are saying the exact same thing in every pitch, interview or meeting, you might as well automate it to save everybody’s time.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Organic long term traffic that is targeted for exactly what the user is looking for is the most proven method of consistent traffic. This helps you nurture your environment with whatever value you like to offer and quickly get hot leads turned into conversions.


Advertising is one of the most effective forms of immediate eyeballs, however it can be costly especially if you don’t get the results you expect. We’ll show you the secrets of getting the best potential results from your influencer, paid ads, and campaigns that can save you a lot of time and money and get better results.

Press & Publicity

Notoriety is important to scale the brand when the mimics start showing up because you’re doing so well. People are more comfortable with relatable and notorious brands because it shows longevity, importance and usually results. It also protects from scammer pages.

Live Events

Going live on the web or in person is very important to those investing in your brand. They want to see transparency, access and consistent human to human engagement. This builds trust long term and keeps your brand consistently growing.

Content Creation

Content is king. They more people see your brand and can relate to it through content, the better chance you have at scaling your brand and impacting more people. Our background specializes in content creation and we also understand the psychology behind speaking to your audience & social media algorithm favorites…

Partnerships & Influencer Collab

The best way to partner is to find mutual synergy in what each other is trying to accomplish on their journeys and how they can both add value to each other. The bigger the influencer the more they expect and want, so finding the right balance is an art in itself. Influencers are top priority marketing.


Being on podcasts and allowing short form content for your community is important to help nurture them. People consume content different ways and this has its own unique approach to engaging audience in audio. it’s also a great way to partner with other influencers.

If you’re already doing amazing, we can find ways to help you do better. We can fill in the blanks

How We Work (Brand Scaling)

We’ve helped entrepreneurs, small & large businesses generate millions of engagement & income using our very precise methods. 

Regardless of what happens in the world, everybody is a brand and businesses still need to keep running which means marketing will always be required. And the more you know, the better prepared you’ll be to maximize on all the benefits of timing.

Step 1:

We work with you to create or refine a product or service capable of hitting 6-7+ figures.

You’ll waste time and money marketing if your offer and messaging are not focused.

We’ll help you customize your offer & messaging so your customers and clients have a crystal clear vision on how you add value.

Step 2:

We show you the exact steps to take to increase brand awareness, conversions and sales that attracts your key target demographic using a variety of methods.

This system is built to scale up and help you grow your results at a higher clip and keep your customers and clients happy.

The most successful businesses and brands on the planet have a system in place.

Step 3:

You simply follow our system (which can be broken down into sub-systems) and follow our blueprint for complete marketing and sales.

We literally take what you already have and help structure the rest to build out the way for you to keep growing, helping more people and generating more income.

We’ll focus specifically on what element will increase results.

This is how we’ll work:

Analyze your business from where it currently stands

  1. Social media

  2. Income

  3. Cost per acquisition

  4. Branding

  5. Customer Service

  6. Offers

  7. Goals & Objectives

  8. “Competitors”

  9. Traffic Sources

  10. Where the Roadblocks are

  1. Provide an analysis

  2. Create a custom blueprint plan of action

    1. This is usually the setup (2-4 weeks)

  3. Take nibbles and test things till we see something with amazing results

  4. Scale it up

  5. Review & Get approval

If your brand or business is about to completely fall apart and has no working capital, we can’t help you directly but can offer consulting and provide an implementation roadmap with actionable advice. Or you’re welcome to invest in a self-guided course we have prepared for your convenience.


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