Closing your own sales is similar yet different to helping other brands or clients increase their sales. It’s all negotiation, therefore finding out how to help your prospects and convince them your solutions will help them increase sales and/or save money.
What process does the company or prospect take?
How badly do they need this service
Decision makers = who is it?
Money = Do they have the $$ to pay for this? How much will it cost if they don’t?
Timeline = Estimated budget and timeline for results
After discussing, then follow up with topics discussed. The highest conversions come with a yes or no question such as “Are you willing to move forward with this agreement by XX date?”
This leaves no room for objection or grey area. Either they respond positively or they decline. If they decline, try to find out why.
Scenarios on Why Prospects Don’t Close
They simply wanted to learn more but didn’t want to buy
Have they ever hired someone like you to do the job you’re going to do (they may have no clue what they are doing)
Were never your ideal client in the first place
They already have it in their head they are not going to take the next step because that’s how they think - they have limiting beliefs
Sales Strategies
Create a Funnel that nurtures in various ways (short form to long form) and ensures you’re on the same page ahead of time
Qualify the Lead = Ask them questions like budget size for instance so you know they have the budget you expect and it won’t destroy their entire business if they don’t get instant results
Get them on the Call or meeting and find out their pain points
Have solutions prepared for their pain points w/ case studies, testimonials and proof of process
Stop the Block
Offer FREE Trial
Demo Videos or Tutorials
FAQ’s / Helpdesk
Testimonials & Case Studies
Educational Email Campaign (or Text)
Easy Install & Usage
Low Intro Price
Offer FREE Consult
Have a system in place. If someone reaches out, lands on your site or socials, offers you email or phone then they want to know more. Keep them interested no matter if they are ready to buy now or a year later. Keep giving value until they have no option but to be proactive about joining up and getting results. That’s the only thing that matters ultimately.